This is a video project. I am setting up at several outdoor locations around
Oakland, CA and asking the question What do you believe?. I built a 3' X 3' room and hung black curtains all around so that the person answering the question is sitting inside the room, in a private space within a public space. I will be posting new clips as I get them and putting together a full length documentary at some point. So check back to see and hear more personal beliefs. thank you, Tara

Thursday, April 1, 2010


  1. right on...I totally get what she is saying. I love this project!!

  2. i agree but i wonder if i'm "believing" anyway. i think how i fit in the world is more important but can one really turn off believing? we do it every day.
    i love this project too. keep the videos coming. i wish you could do this all over the country.
